Rich Consulting LLC

Accident Reconstruction Consulting & Training

office (234) 201-7676
fax (234) 678-0246


RC Monte Carlo is an Excel application that speeds the production of Excel spreadsheets designed to utilize Monte Carlo simulation.

ACTAR Scenario-Based Question Online Workbook. This E-Workbook provides the ACTAR exam candidate 7 scenario-based questions with solutions that may be viewed online. Although this is NOT an online ACTAR Prep course, each set of questions have a Discussion Forum where users may post questions a receive answers from ACTAR accredited ACTAR Prep Course instructors. The cost for 30-days of access is $149, which is more than enough time to complete all of the questions. Additional weeks may be purchased for $24.99/week.

RC Monte Carlo (TM)

ACTAR Scenario-Based Questions Online Workbook